معيار رسالة وأهداف لبرنامج هندسة التشييد والبناء

معيار رسالة وأهداف لبرنامج هندسة التشييد والبناء

Program Mission:

(Graduate specialized engineers in the field of building and construction engineering able to compete and excel in the labor market, to meet community and environment needs to achieve sustainability within the framework of cooperation with state bodies and institutions to benefit from modern      technologies and scientific research results)

Program Aims:

The building and construction engineering program aims to graduate engineers who are able to:

  1. Deal with, diagnose and solve practical problems related to building and construction engineering through, analytical , experimental techniques, critical and systematic thinking, and modern tools.
  2. Design safe facilities and engineering systems that meet societal  needs as well as service, environmental, and sustainability requirements.
  3. Design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data using the modern technologies.
  4. Acquire good communication skills as well as leadership, business administration and entrepreneurial skills, show good work ethics and professional conduct, and work effectively within multidisciplinary teams.
  5. Recognize their role in promoting the engineering field and contribute in the development of the profession and the community.
  6. Pursue lifelong learning, and distinguished employment.


Architecture Department Construction Department Communication Department